Showing posts with label Brand: Clean and Clear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brand: Clean and Clear. Show all posts

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Clean and Clear Mattifying Moisturizer review and photos

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Clean & Clear mattifying moisturizer box
Clean & Clear mattifying moisturizer box, backside
Clean & Clear mattifying moisturizer, bottle

Another review, way overdue. Before I start on the review,let me state that this product has been discontinued. I have done some online search regarding this product and I was surprised to find out how many people were actually upset that this product had been discontinued. When I was at Big Lots, I saw a huge stock of this at the price you see on the box. So on to the review!!!!!!!!!!

I have the oiliest of all oil skin. My curse. Whilst browsing at Big Lots, I saw this huge stock of this mattifyer. I only have 2 that I have used NYX Shine Killer and the Rimmel 2nd formula all in one mattifyer. Before I decided to nabbed this, I made sure this product was not expired, which thankfully it wasn't.

So how does this perform?

I will say this is one HELL of a marvelous moisturizer. It in fact, dried my skin into a perfect matte state. My face looked impeccable with this mattifyer. My skin looked shine free for about 3-4 hours. Not so bad at all!!! What I need to do, is test this with my neutrogena Shine free foundation. But for those inquiring minds, I have provided here the Neutrogena shine control primer for comparisons. The Neutrogena one retails at 12.00, this one at $4.00. And hint hint, the Clean&Clear ALSO INCLUDES the "Rice Protein" !!!!!!

Clear & Clear mattifying moisturizer, back of bottle

Clean & Clear mattifying moisturizer swatch

Stock of Clean & Clear mattifying moisturizer at Big Lots!

Neutrogena image does not belong to me. Neutrogena Shine Control Ingredients
The Clean & Clear contains 1.7 oz, while Neutrogena contains 1.0 oz!! As for the ingredients?????? Not Identical, but share many properties like Dimethicone, Rice protein. A small issue I had using this is that I needed to make sure my skin was saturated well with this product. Also, if you do not go over your skin well, you will see small white streaks of the moisturizer that has not been blended.

Final Thoughts??
Clear & Clear were absolutely incredibly undeniably stupid to discontinue this product. Whatever numbers they were calculating in their heads, they should have atleast made this product available online; if they could not justify having it available at the stores.

My Recommendation? Buy one and test it out. If the performance of this moisturizer-mattifyer blows your mind, stock  it up FAST my friend!!! Who knows when will the stock run out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!