Showing posts with label Brand: Essence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brand: Essence. Show all posts

Monday, October 1, 2012

Essence Nail polish: #122 Chic Reloaded swatch and review

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Essence Nail Polish in #122 chic reloaded

Before I proceed with this review, let me apologize for not reviewing these past days. I had Jury Duty and it was extremely stressful for me. I needed a little R&R.  On with the show! *lol*

Chic Reloaded is one of those shades that kept calling me when I was at Ulta a few weeks back.  Inside at the store you would have thought it was a basic charcoal black color. To my surprise it is a duo-chrome!

Essence Nail Polish in #122 chic reloaded. closer view

The only thing disappointing are the photos. I tried so hard to capture the other shade it leans to (blackish green). I took so many photos and NONE of them could capture the green color it leans. It is a shame since all you see in the photo is the black, sorta purple-ish, semi-pink. To make you truly understand what I am talking about, I searched on the net for oil spills.
Image Credit:

When you see the purple meet the pink and a bit of green: that is exactly how the nail polish actually looks when the sun reflects it! Ok...enough about the color!

The nail polish itself is good. Taken a good 2 coats to reach full opacity. It is priced at 1.99 however because of my discount they deducted 47 cents. Not bad for a polish that costs virtually $1.52 The color is very pretty and unique. It was a great idea for me to follow my instinct and purchase the shade.

**The Positives**

2 coats to reach full opacity
unique color



Here in Texas there are 2 places where Essence are sold. First one is, of course; Ulta. Second one and most popular, HEB (Texas based grocery chain). My only complaint for HEB is that they do not carry the other goods that Ulta seems to carry! This nailpolish is NOWHERE available in HEB. Only the .99 cent ones! It bothers me since Essence is so affordable and I do check their official website for new collections.(Here comes the RANT) When those collections come out, it almost feels like a waiting game. And when they do come out, they are tucked away in some  display you have to be on your knees to look at the product. When you have people buying groceries and using the grocery cart and constantly asking you (kindly mind you) to scoot over so they can go about their business: it is a HUGE turn OFF!!!!!! HEB NEEDS to really think about how they display their collections in a manner that people can enjoy what they see and entice them to buy it. Bending over, kneeling over is a major inconvenience. At least Kohls is smart enough to keep the product at eye level. Okay I spoke my peace.

So is this shade worth the purchase? Absolutely. I would only recommend it if you do not have any shade like it. If you have something quite similar, you are better off buying a shade that you don't already own. But hey, your money is your prerogative. If you want to own items that look almost the same, then by all means go for it and buy it.